Thursday, January 28, 2010

Why Are People Turned Off By the Christian Sub-Culture?

Many people are rejecting the Christian sub-culture today - but that doesn't necessary mean that they are rejecting Jesus. What turns you off about the Christian sub-culture? I'm putting my list together and will post it next week. I would love to know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. How many characters am I limited to? Here are a few "turn-offs" as they pop in my head:
    1. "Fake" services that require more choreography and planning that a broadway production.
    2. Legalism. It's all about the rules.
    3. The Bible. has anyone actually read the Old Testament with an open mind? It is filled with God-condoned rape, killing, slavery, stealing and all kinds of atrocities. Christians say that Jesus made all that stuff null & void but that's not what the Bible says. I've never gotten a decent explanation on that.
    4. Selective hearing. Christians pick and choose which aspects of "christianity" and which verses in the Bible they think are important and ignore the rest. Especially the controversial or contradicting ones.
    5. Absolutism. Is that a real word? If not it should be. Every different sect believes they have all the answers and that anyone who disagrees with them is going to hell. How do you know who is right? Catholics, Baptists, Church of Christ, Seventh Day Adventists, Pentacostals? They each think they have a secret passage to God that no one else has.
